How to Grow a Tamarind Tree


Tamarind trees (Tamarindus indica) grow up to 100 feet tall and can live for over 200 years. The tree has a short trunk with strong, drooping branches and soft, airy leaves, making it highly wind-resistant. Part of the pea and bean family, it produces a pod-like fruit with pulp and seeds inside. The pulp is sweet and tart, and can be eaten raw or used to make drinks, chutney, sauces, Worcestershire sauce and more. 
Guide To Grow Tamarid Tree
Choose a proper site for the tamarind tree. It needs full sun and some protection from the cold when young. You may choose the south side of a slope for this purpose or build your own cold protection for the first couple of years. It can tolerate many types of soil from deep fertile soils to rocky sandy soils, as long as they are well-drained. It can withstand some salt spray if planted close to seashores.

Plant a tamarind seed in the spring 1/2-inch deep. Seeds collected from pods remain viable for months and will germinate a week after planting. If a seedling doesn't appear within two weeks, try again. Space multiple tamarind trees 33 to 65 feet apart, depending on the fertility of the soil. In the most fertile soils, the tamarind will grow larger and will need the space to spread.

Water the newly planted seed every other day, just enough to moisten it. Keep it moist until it grows a few inches above ground then pull back on watering. After the seedling starts growing vigorously on its own, it will need watering only once a week during the growing season and only enough to wet the roots. Gradually taper watering in the fall, and stop in the winter. After the first two seasons, tamarind trees need water only during dry spells, where they tend to drop their leaves.

Apply a slow-release 8-3-9 NPK fertilizer in early spring for the first three to five growing seasons. The numbers represent the amount of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in the fertilizer. Other fruit tree formulations will also work. The tamarind does not require many soil nutrients, but this will encourage new growth for the season. Follow the directions on the package for specific amounts, and water deeply after fertilization.

Prune trees in late winter with pruning shears. In the first two years, choose three-to-five strong, evenly spaced lateral branches for scaffolding. Cut all other branches back almost to the trunk. After that, tamarind needs very little attention. Cut out dead or weak branches yearly to increase airflow.