Benefits Of Guava Juice For Health

Guavas, popularly called ‘Amrood‘ in Hindi, ‘Jaamapandu‘ in Telugu, ‘Koiya Pazham‘ in Tamil, ‘Nattu Peraka‘ in Malayalam, ‘SeebeKayi‘ in Kannada, ‘Jam phal‘ in Gujarati, ‘Peru‘ in Marathi, ‘Amrud‘ in Punjabi and ‘Peyara‘ in Bengali. Guavas are a very common type of fruit but are often neglected because of their hardness & presence of seeds. But it is what I call as super food! It contains goodness that will make you definitely want to eat this fruit but we are not talking about having sugar rich guava jams or jellies. For getting these super benefits of guava, you need to grab a fresh one and bite on it.
This humble fruit is known for its medicinal properties, thanks to the sugars, vitamins and minerals present in it. It is extraordinarily rich in vitamin C and also contains carotene and antioxidants that are beneficial for skin health. Guavas are consumed in varying degrees of ripeness. They are also used in cooking as an ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes. Guava juice is also a refreshing drink.

Take a look at Guava health benefits

Eye Health Improvement

Vitamin A or retinol is responsible for good eyesight. Guava is rich in retinol, so if you don’t like carrots, you can try a guava for improving  your eyesight.

Manganese Richness

Guavas are rich in manganese which helps the body to absorb other key nutrients from the food that we eat. When our food gets properly utilized, we get all the key nutrients like biotin, vitamins, etc.

Rich In Vitamin C

Guava contains Vitamin C and it helps protect cells and lower cancerous damage to them.

Regulation Of Blood Pressure Levels

Potassium in guavas helps normalize blood pressure levels. A banana and a guava contain almost the same amount of potassium.

Cholesterol-Free And Low In Carbs

Another reason that guava is such a great weight loss food is because it is free of cholesterol and very low in digestible carbohydrates. It is one of the best fruits to add to your diet when you want it to be low in carbs. Being cholesterol-free, it protects you from many diseases, including heart disease.


Guava juice can be a useful remedy to decrease the cancer cell development. One of the most vital nutrients is found in guava, known as Lycopene. This is a powerful antioxidant, which helps your body to get rid of the harmful free radicals that lead to cancer.

Dengue Fever

Guava juice is an effective remedy to treat dengue fever. It is recommended to drink the guava juice at least three times in a day for effective results.

 UV Protection

Pink guavas contain twice the amount of lycopene present in tomatoes. Lycopene is an antioxidant that protects your skin from being damaged by UV rays and environmental pollution. A guava provides about 2.9 grams of lycopene.


Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C. this can be easily cured by drinking guava juice. Guava juice contains high amounts of vitamin C.